The Online CGD Course

is identical to the 3-day classroom course. The only difference is the course is available in the comfort of your home or office and is available at a time it won’t cut into your office productivity.

IGSHPA Certified GeoExchange Design (CGD) Online Courses

Who Are These Courses Designed For?

Building owners and developers seek to stay competitive by making their buildings more efficient. Mechanical system designers are increasingly encouraged to explore GeoExchange system options. This workshop equips mechanical designers with a comprehensive understanding of GeoExchange systems and the steps needed to design cost-effective, efficient, and predictable systems for long-term operation.

Developed for the International Ground Source Heat Pump Association, this course is accredited by the Association of Energy Engineers and eligible for 20 professional development hours (2 CEUs) with most engineering associations.

The course consists of 10 online sessions, each approximately 90 minutes long. These live, interactive sessions are led by experienced geothermal experts, real designers who have been involved in all facets of the geothermal heat pump industry for many years. Participants can ask questions and engage in discussions during the sessions. Videos of each session will be available shortly after for review. Additionally, participants can access all presentations as a series of 10 on-demand videos, allowing flexibility to learn at their own pace.

Throughout the course, participants can reach out to the instructor by phone, email, or video call for questions or clarification. You will also gain access to our geothermal feasibility assessment tool, ProFease®, for the duration of the course.

Ensure System ProFease Report

ProFease® Project Example

Pre-Recorded Course

Materials include: PDF of ANSI/CSA /IGSHPA C-448 Standard “Design & Installation of Ground Source Heat Pump Systems for Commercial and Residential Buildings,” PDF of “Geothermal Heating & Cooling: Design of Ground Source Heat Pump Systems” S. Kavanaugh, K. Rafferty, ASHRAE 2014 PDF of presentation slides.

Please note: All prices are in USD

$1,450.00 – $1,700.00

Course Feature 1
Course Feature 2
Live Course Upcoming Live Course Dates: October 1st - December 3rd Time: Tuesdays 12:00pm to 1:30pm EST

Materials include: PDF of ANSI/CSA/IGSHPA C-448 Standard “Design & Installation of Ground Source Heat Pump Systems for Commercial and Residential Buildings,” PDF of “Geothermal Heating & Cooling: Design of Ground Source Heat Pump Systems” S. Kavanaugh, K. Rafferty, ASHRAE 2014 PDF of presentation slides.

Please note: All prices are in USD

$1,600.00 – $1,850.00

Custom Course

Options Available

If the scheduled courses do not align with your availability, or if you prefer in-person instruction, consider a custom course where the instructor can travel to your location. We strive to accommodate requests to the best of our ability. Please note that custom courses are available only for groups of three or more participants.

For additional information about custom courses, please submit a contact form or call us at +1 (808) 466-0099. You may also contact one of our instructors, Ed Lohrenz, directly at +1 (204) 318-2156.

Upon completing the training courses, you will be prepared to take the AEE exam. Please note that IGSHPA and AEE have recently updated their registration procedures. AEE now charges a $400 fee when you apply to take the CGD test and certification. After completing the course, you can apply for the CGD test and certification at: